> Educational Goal and Three Policies of the Biology Program
Educational Goal and Three Policies of the Biology Program
Educational Goal
Our Educational Philosophy focuses on the following two points.
In order to put this Philosophy into practice, we aim to produce, through our education and research, professionals who commit to our Educational Philosophy.
Diploma Policy of the Biology Program
Refer to the Diploma Policy of the Department of Science.
Curriculum Policy of the Biology Program
Refer to the Curriculum Policy of the Department of Science.
Admission Policy of the Biology Program
1. Desired qualities
2. Capabilities desired in students
Applicants are required to have biology-related knowledge and experiment skills. They also need to have the proficiency and communication skills in English in order to obtain, from around the world, knowledge and information necessary to do research.
If application is made for Special Admissions in Other Fields, the knowledge/skills in the biology-related field of intended specialization and English proficiency are requirements.
3. Basic Principle of Candidate Screening
The General Selection (oral examination) will conduct an interview including oral examination. Also to be taken into account is the grade achieved at the school the applicant has graduated from and research plan.
The General Selection (written examination) will conduct an examination on the specialized subject and a foreign language (English), and an interview.
Recommendation Special Selection evaluates applicants’ knowledge/ability related to the specialized field of biology and aptitude/motivation through an interview including an oral examination. These abilities are necessary to achieve the status of the sort of human resource described in the Educational Goals. Also to be taken into account is the grade achieved at the school the applicant has graduated from and the Statement of Reasons for Applying.
The Special Admissions in Other Fields will evaluate applicants’ ability/aptitude/motivation all of which are necessary to achieve the status of human resource described in our Educational Goals through a presentation including an oral examination. Also to be taken into account is the grade achieved at the school the applicant has graduated from and the Statement of Reasons for Applying. An applicants’ English ability will also be tested.
The Special Selection for Those in Employment will examine applicants’ research plans and conduct an interview including oral examination.
The International Students Special Admissions will evaluate through an examination on the specialized subjects and a foreign language in either Japanese or English (However, native speakers of English must take an examination in Japanese.) and an interview.