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Post-Graduate Program Outline


The following is the Graduate School of Science and Engineering’s educational goals based on our philosophy as we engage ourselves in human resource development:

  • To develop capable people who possess comprehensive and long-term viewpoints when dealing with natural science and technology and will contribute to making the world a better and happier place for mankind.
  • To develop capable people who are creative and can apply that creativity in solving problems in the many fields of natural science where research explores deeper, crosses disciplinary boundaries, and becomes more complex and comprehensive.
  • To develop capable people who have advanced intellectual abilities and will put theory into practice to support the technology side of a knowledge-based society.
  • To develop capable people who acknowledge the necessity of scientific creation and will contribute to solving problems arising from a rapidly changing society.
  • To develop capable people who have high moral standards and will apply them to play a proactive role in the development of local and international communities.


Based on our educational philosophy, our objective is“to” engage ourselves in research whose outcome helps us respond widely and flexibly to the advancement and diversification in the science and engineering fields, ushers in next-generation technology, provides us with advanced and comprehensive knowledge about the nature around us, and nurtures moral standards in students’minds so that they can cope effectively with contemporary issues.”

As an educational institution, we train engineers who possess an international point of view and can create new technology that supports a wide range of natural science. Thus, we have the responsibility to conduct research and education in ways that will instill broader outlooks and problem-solving capabilities in students and to engage ourselves in the kinds of research activities that contribute to the development of technology. The following are descriptions of research activities the Graduate School of Science and Engineering puts into practice in accordance with our educational goals:

  • Research to produce scientific and technological benefits that make the world a happier and better place for mankind.
  • Advanced research in order to use science and technology to support a knowledge-based society in many different ways.
  • Research to develop understanding about the necessity of scientific creation in natural science and to contribute to the solution of problems arising from a rapidly changing society.
  • Research conducted with high moral standards that allow the local community, the international community, and the nature around us to coexist and prosper together.