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Regional Value Creation Center


The Regional Value Creation Center was established by Kagoshima University Graduate School of Science and Engineering (hereafter Graduate School of Science and Engineering) in order to support business and organizations in the Southern Kyushu region, as they take the initiative to raise their profiles. Our mission is to mobilize industry in the Southern Kyushu region, to generate innovation and value in regional enterprise, and to revitalize its potential for growth.


Innovation Creation

Our center has two main goals, the first of which is to contribute to the creation and development of regional enterprise, and to play a part in revitalizing and improving the competitiveness of local industry. Our second goal is to move ahead with the progressive reforms needed to support the development of innovative professionals.

In order to intensify the growth of regional industry, our center matches researchers from labs in the Graduate School of Science and Engineering with industry groups to develop projects that meet the needs of the region. This collaboration allows for the germination of new technology, resources and markets. The result of this matching process forms the foundation for new structures and organizations that can effectively advise and support regional initiatives.

These new structures in research, arising out of the aforementioned matching, create humanistic support for the professional development of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering’s doctoral and post-doctoral students, research assistants and technicians. Through collaboration with groups outside the university, students and staff can see the direct connection between the results of their research, and its practical application in real-world situations. This valuable experience is essential to the professional development of all those involved with the Regional Value Creation Center.


Regional Revitalization

The Regional Value Creation Center does not only act to coordinate industrial,
academic and governmental collaboration. Once the matching process is over, our center continues to provide support in terms of assistance with funding applications and sponsorship information. Only once the project expectations are fulfilled will the support structure be removed.

By working together, we can all contribute to regional revitalization in the Southern Kyushu region. Hand in hand with Kagoshima University Graduate School of Science and Engineering we can transmit what we discover at the regional level, first to the whole country, and from there, to the world. If you have an idea that you think will contribute to regional revitalization, please don’t hesitate to contact the Regional Value Creation Center. We can help bring your idea to fruition.