Architecture needs spiritual pleasant
In "De architectura" written by Vitruvius Pollio in ancient Roman times in B.C., it was said that Architecture should be designed to make the harmony between "utilitas (utility)", "firmitas (firmness)" and "venustas (beauty)". These three factors may contradict each other, however they are mutually not independent but complementary.
At first, a building needs firmness because it should be shelter. Next, we demand convenience from them. We feel comfortable in the buildings, which are functional, easy to use, and heat insulated well. These are physical safety and comfort. The current building construction technology almost enables them. Furthermore, we expect spiritual pleasant on Architecture. Building sublimate into Architecture by beauty.
Then, by what is made beauty into Architecture? Figure? Color? Shape? Proportion? Composition ? How do we get idea of beauty of Architecture? In my laboratory, we think beauty as visual comfortableness, and research what we need to make visual comfortableness.

Design real architectures with students

I think that architects need both of logical thinking in their brains and physical practicing by hands. In my laboratory, I will design real architectures with students as Project Based Learning(PBL) as much as possible. Students in my laboratory and I have designed 6 architectural spaces in 5 years at Kagoshima University. On the renovation project of flat residential space, we designed one dwelling unit by UV axis in addition to normal XY axis, on which space of residence changes to slightly strange space, and it gives residents spiritual pleasant. On other project in Amami island, we designed the new office building considering what is modern vernacular architecture. The office building has the space for residents in Amami islands and main island to meet them, which is architecture is as local small shed. On another project, which provides a learning commons space in the library of Kagoshima University on a low budget, we designed the interior space and the furnitures with the motif of islands in Kagoshima prefecture and pacific ocean. We designed chairs and tables in a unique geometry to rise various activities. To design spaces in the real projects is very difficult and there are many problems, however we can learn many things which we can not get in the class room. I appreciate my clients and constructors.